Saturday, August 27, 2011

A frustrated director...

 Just a little update... These posts will be getting less profound and likely more immediate or personal, as the days progress..

Stress levels are running very high this week...

  • Have lost my glasses twice (they were on my head), have lost my phone at least 3 times while wanting to text someone (I was talking on it), have left this room 4 times to do something but keep forgetting what it was by the time I reach the next room, and can't remember the simplest of words... old age, perhaps?

  • Tech rehearsals start tomorrow, while I have spent the day dealing with trivial political garbage about the spelling of the word theatre... from the theater.  People should really know when to quit. All this while still moving, while still unpacking, working on the list of a million cues, while still doing PR that someone else dropped the ball on...  Wow, this reminds me of something... 

  • We have lost a valued cast member due to illness and impending gall bladder surgery, so I will spend the next few days trying to replace her and rework her ensemble scenes.  AND, we still have another cast member in the hospital with kidney stones.   Wishing both of these girls a speedy recovery.

  • We still have that never-ending list of niggly little props and niggly little details that have to be addressed, while reviewing the 'big picture' of the show, itself

  • Have been told of an actor in the cast who wants to emulate another actor's interpretation and has said backstage that he will play his character any way he wants to when the time comes... hmm...

  • AND, we are not done moving our household stuff from our old house yet...
Yep, a standard tech week!  Only only 7 more rehearsals.  

BUT, the show is coming along beautifully.  Only a tiny bit of cast drama (most of it is occurring outside of the protection of our cast and crew ensemble), set is amazing, costumes are coming along, we are well within budget (so far!), and lighting is underway today, as Andy is doing set and focus as I type (though he should be helping finish our move)...

Now, enough whiny nonsense.  Much to do before STREETCAR makes a stop in Xenia!

1 comment:

  1. Point 2 and 5 sound ALL to familiar! Wishing you well on the rest of your journey :-)
