Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tech Week Extravaganza...

Well, here we are in Tech week, working out all the lighting, costuming, prop and sound issues.  And, there are a multitude of those!  But, every run we do, we work out many more issues and the show slowly pulls together.  This show will be nothing like anything I (or from what I have been told, most other people) have seen at Xenia before!

I am currently working with an exhausted cast and crew, so have given them the day off tomorrow to rest up and get ready for a full 'as show' run on Thursday.  We have, sadly, lost two very valuable cast members in the last week... One to a serious gall bladder disorder, requiring surgery; and another, to a kidney issue, also requiring surgery.  While we are worried about and thinking of these wonderful girls, we know they wish us well on this production!  It is never easy to work around missing actors, but my amazing cast has pulled together and helped (or was bribed;)  )  fill the empty holes.  

It is at this time in the process that I must start letting go of the show... not easy for the co-dependent personality that I am.   I have lived and breathed STREETCAR solidly since May and giving up control shall be very difficult.  I am a perfectionist by nature, but now it is time to let go of those issues and details that can't be resolved, no matter how much I want them to be.  I have made major strides today, as I have looked away from some niggley issues that, a week ago, I would have spent hours trying to correct... well, not today!  Major progress! 

 I feel that it may be time to acknowledge my cast and some of the crew, who have done so much, and have inspired me beyond my own imagination.  I don't mention them by name much, but it is time they became known...

Cassandra Engber is my amazing Blanche -- This woman has not flinched once, at my sometimes unconventional, vision of Blanche.  Through our collaboration she is producing a Blanche that is just as I would play her... she is taking everything in and pulling the character I want out the other side. 

Juliet Howard-Welch is my Stella -- And, yes, my daughter.  I have NEVER had the pleasure of directing her in a principal role before.  There was always too much drama with parents of my previous company's members, that I never allowed myself to consider Juliet for a role like this.  This child told me before casting ... 'I will do anything in the show you need me to do...'  What an attitude for an Actor's Equity Candidate, with tons of professional experience.  I get far more 'diva' behaviour from those who have no reason to be 'diva.'  Even this time, though I felt she was the best for the role and had an amazing chemistry with the rest of the cast, I didn't want to cast her.  I was actually outvoted.  Juliet has pulled an amazing character out of the depths.  She played Blanche in High School (not a play I would have chosen for high schoolers to attempt) and was amazing in that, but I do feel her Stella is far more honest. 

Daniel Wilson is an amazing Mitch.  I first met Daniel when we were both in a production of Titus Andronicus -- he as Lucius and I as Tamora.  I was thrilled when he walked into my auditions. He just gave me a quality in Mitch that I had to have.  I didn't recognize his performance at all at auditions, as his style was SO different from Titus.  I realized why after some time working with him, but I am entirely besotted with his portrayal of Mitch.

Geoff Moss  has become one of my most valuable cast members and a very respected colleague.  Geoff is my set designer and plays Pablo in my show and for both of these instances of participation, I am very grateful.  He has created my set, just as I saw it, has added and adjusted everything I wanted... No, he wouldn't give me my hard wood floor, but, that is one of those things I really didn't need, now did I?  He has really stepped up and done everything I have asked of him as Pablo... he (as a director, himself) hasn't agreed with it all, but he has tried it all the same.

Josh Katawick is my Young Collector and most definitely one of the most naturally talented individuals I have ever met.  Sure, when I met him back in February at our first read thru of Titus Andronicus (where he played Saturninus), we couldn't stand each other.  But, over the course of that show, we became friends and I am thrilled to share the experience of Streetcar with him.  I didn't get him into rehearsals until 2 weeks ago, as he was working with the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, but now it seems like he has been here the entire time.  He, like Geoff, needs only a little coercion to do what I want him to in the show.  His talents will make this show great.  I just have to make sure he auditions for my next show (Midsummer in Springfield). 

Brandon Saldivar is our very own 'Mr. Congeniality'... with his cheerful smile, good visual eye and excellent attitude, he makes a great ensemble 'glue', keeping us all together.  He makes friends easily and quickly and seems to know how to keep everyone in a good mood.  He is in my ensemble as the Sailor and a prostitute and he works just as hard as the most principal actor does. 

Diana Hart  is another incredibly positive influence gracing our cast.  She plays the Mexican Woman and a prostitute.  I am so happy to finally be able to work with her (I saw her in a show at Xenia a few months ago) and feels she is amazing as the Mexican Woman, one of those characters that are usually thrown away in other productions of STREETCAR I have seen.  But, her portrayal is pretty vital and adds so much to the show.  She has truly made a smaller role into something utterly meaningful. 

Jennifer Sivers-Shrader is a great Eunice. I first met Jenn in another show several months ago and love her shy, but sweet personality.  She also has done everything I have asked of her and really helped solidify the wonderful ensemble which has developed between my cast.  Jenn is one of the few people involved with XACT on a regular basis with professional experience.  Jenn is super sassy on stage and that is just what I want from my Eunice.

Mike Frazier literally 'walks through walls'... all the time.  I adore Mike.  I also met him several months ago and love working with him.  He and Jenn balance each other beautifully and should be a lot of fun to watch. Let the bickering begin.

Titus Wolverton is my Stanley and he has been my biggest challenge.  This young man is a vital piece of my Streetcar puzzle and has worked hard to create a character (perhaps not always my vision of the character) that will play on stage.  He has faced an impossible challenge with Stanley... trying to find something new in the role.  This task is not an easy one... with so much focus on Brando's portrayal out there, any actor could get caught up in the Gospel of Brando and will struggle to find something new and genuine.  But, he is still trying.

Austin Smith is my Stanley understudy and general factotum.  Austin was also in the same production of Streetcar that Juliet was in (playing Steve) and has grown immensely as an actor since.  He has stepped in for any actor that has not been there (and there hasn't been a rehearsal where he hasn't been used).  He has anticipated the show's every need.  This is a young actor that has been truly vital to the show.

Kelly Bennington is my Assistant Director and production SM and has truly kept me organized.  I met Kelly originally at a cast party for a show I did last autumn.  She has since become my friend and I thank god, that we still are after working together.  This attorney by day, has truly turned into a potential director.  I have really thrown her into the deep end, but she has popped right back up for more every time.  I know being involved with the show has been hard for her, but she has really stepped up and made my job so much easier.  She is now stepping into the role of the Nurse, as well. 

Joe Hochadel is well... one WOW musician.  Just met this gentleman a few weeks ago, but his music through my show has really brought the spirit of NOLA to us.   I have been friends with his wife, Cathy for some time now, but am thrilled to get to know, Joe, as well.  He has been very free with suggestions and ideas and given us such a sense and feel for the city. 

Having covered the cast, I also have a fabulous crew.  Will introduce them at a later time, but really wanted to acknowledge my wonderful cast.

This has indeed been a difficult show -- well, any show with this much emotional tragedy written in to it is bound to be wrought with stress and drama, BUT I have to say... far less stressful than any of the 40+ children's theatre productions I have worked on.  This ensemble cast has been a delight... yes, we have had disagreements, issues, stress nights... but, we have come out on the other side with a new idea or view or onstage situation to try. 

Now for a little amusement - found this odd little video on YouTube of cast member, Josh.  It shall leave us all wondering... 'what could it mean...'

Rest well, wonderful cast...

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